This document will explain how to easily “upgrade” your OpenSuSE linux to SuSE Desktop
Okay, first thing you need to do is add some installation sources, startup yast, Kicker | System | Yast)
You will need to enter your root password and you will be taken to a “control panel”
Click installation sources and you can now add some sources, click add and select the source type as given below, do not worry about the directory box etc, just stick the entire url in the first line.
(before adding sources etc download and install this file if you want dvd support libdvdcss)
Add the following sources and make sure that they are set to on and set to refresh.
These 3 are ftp sources, they are the official SuSE sources
This one is a http source, its where you get the nice toys like mplayer
Once that is done your ready to start adding packages, click okay and click software management back at yast. Go have some lunch and a drink while it refreshes your new sources, this can take very long (dont worry you only need to do it once)
Once your at the package manager you will need to look for and add the following packages;
These four are needed for java support in firefox
Okay, the next few you can just pull from the search box, (you can search for the java ones as well)
w32codec-all (windows media codecs)
acroread (acrobat reader – accept the license)
flash (flash player – accept the licence)
realplayer (realplayer, you only need the actual player)
mplayer (the ultimate media player, you will not survive without this one – also look for the mozilla plugins)
mad (look for mad plugins, this bolts onto mplayer)
xine (search for xine and check the 2 blue packages, this is to update xine to support dvd, remember the first package you installed ;-))
Once you have selected all these packages your ready to download and install, click ok/finish and go have another drink.
Once done head back to yast the click installation sources, turn off refreshing for all the sources and your all done.
Bounce your box for good measure and your all ready to go.