Loading speed cameras on your Garmin GPS device is actually very easy but before we jump into that lets just understand how it works first.
Speed Camera Database
The databases are compiled from user submissions, when people spot speed camera locations they submit the data which is eventually compiled into POI database. Garmin devices natively support POI (Point of Interest). Since most countries have strict laws about speed trap placement the camera locations are fairly static and as such having a database of the camera locations helps you prevent 90% of them. For example in South Africa the Metro Police requires special permission for Speeding cameras and has to apply for these in court (NPA), they cannot do any trapping without this permission. As a warning they take chances and vary the location slightly and in some rare cases have permission for entire stretches of road so you should always obey the law.
Garmin Speed Camera POI
Garmin devices have no idea what the POI is, they simply display and alert for a POI at the configured radius…. yes RADIUS. Therefore you will be notified of cameras that are around you and not just those on your current route. You will notice this when you use bigger interchanges in particular. Many of the POI camera databases include the travelling direction of the camera to simplify this issue.
Where to get a Speed Camera POI Database
There are some well known world speed camera POI files which you can look for via Google however I suggest you find a locally compiled database since they are generally far more accurate and up to date, for example the South African database is available from the local Garmin importer and map set creator Garmap, you are interested in the Road Safety POI database. Garmap offers the old file package system as well for people that prefer it or for those with pre nuvi navigation devices.
Loading the POI database on your Garmin
Many of the databases you will find available on the Internet are bundled inside installer files which will do all the work for you, traditionally they were bundled inside POI database zip files which you had to load with the Garmin POI loader.
To load the database from a POI launcher you simply need to plug in your Garmin device, run the file you downloaded, select the POI groups you require and follow the instructions. You will notice that the Garmap version does not only include speed enforcement information but other hazards as well including useful notifications of crime hotspots
Once loaded you can unplug your Garmin device and take it for a drive to give it a test, remember to update often and obey the law at all times the database is not perfect.